Un siecle de sang s'acheve. Commence avec la Guerre de Succession d'Espagne sous le regne d'un Louis XIV age, il s'acheve par la guerre d'independance des Etats-Unis et celles des premieres annees de la Revolution. Desormais, on trouve a la tete de la France, un " triumvirat ". Tous, sauf (...)
The Trails War formed a major part of the so-called 'secret war' in South East Asia, yet for complex political reasons, including the involvement of the CIA, it received far less coverage than campaigns like Rolling Thunder and Linebacker. Nevertheless, the campaign had a profound effect on the (...)
Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 was quickly followed by a rapid invasion of Malaya, a plan based entirely on the decisive use of its airpower. While the British was inadequately prepared, they likewise relied on the RAF to defend their colony. The campaign was a short match between Japanese (...)
An illustrated history of how Japan devised and launched a new kind of air campaign in late 1944 the suicidal assaults of the kamikaze units against the approaching Allied fleets. As summer changed to autumn in 1944, Japan was losing the war. Still unwilling to surrender, Japan's last hope was to (...)
A finales de octubre de 1940, pocos días antes del encuentro de Franco y Hitler en Hendaya que iba a decidir la entrada de España en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el jefe de las SS Heinrich Himmler hizo un memorable viaje a la Península. Rodeado de una nutrida representación de colaboradores, visitó (...)