Agile catalogo dell'omonima mostra, disponibile in italiano e in inglese, organizzata dai Musei Vaticani in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza per i Beni Storici Artistici ed Etnoantropologici del Lazio, dedicata alle antiche oreficerie sacre della regione.Gli oggetti esposti provenienti dalle (...)
Ruby is a fascinating exploration of this precious stone, taking the reader on a journey from the ancient mines of Burma, along the harsh terrain of the Silk Trading routes of China, to European courts and palaces, where rubies have been sourced and bought from intrepid gem- stone dealers to (...)
La collection d'orfèvrerie allemande du Musée national de la Renaissance à Ecouen, la plus importante en France avec celles du Louvre et des musées alsaciens, recèle de nombreux chefs-d'oeuvre encore à découvrir. Restées jusqu'ici injustement méconnues depuis le XIXe siècle, les oeuvres des grands (...)
Celebrates the enduring work of women jewelers and jewelry designers from around the globe, throughout the twentieth century to the present day*Including works by Coco Chanel, Suzanne Belperron, Paloma Picasso, and many more*From the best-selling author of 21st-Century Jewelry Designs, ISBN (...)
Las estampas recogidas en este álbum constituyen una selección de la poco conocida y rica colección de don Antonio Rodríguez-Moñino María Brey, compuesta por cerca de cuatro mil ejemplares de época y temática diversas, que se conservan en la Real Academia Española. Las 10 estampas componen una (...)
This is the definitive book on Wedgwood, the preeminent luxury china brand in the world and the essence of English design and craftsmanship. Founded in 1759, Wedgwood has a deep heritage in pottery making that represents timeless design and enduring style. The eponymous founder, Josiah Wedgwood, (...)
L'autrice ricostruisce la storia del presepe visto come icona dell'incontro tra Oriente e Occidente. Partendo dalla storia di questa tradizione e dal culto a essa connesso di Gesù Bambino, analizza le figure dei Re Magi, considerati come archetipo del viaggio 'sapienziale' dell'uomo di cultura (...)