Artes Decorativas

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L'arte delle pietre dure

Nel corso del tempo le pietre dure hanno esercitato un fascino perenne nel panorama artistico italiano ed europeo. La raffinatezza, l’eleganza e la finezza dei manufatti hanno incantato mecenati e collezionisti di ogni epoca, celebrato i fasti di corti regie e aristocratici casati.Il volume (...)
Categoría: Artes Decorativas

Brilliant: The Story of Atelier Swarovski

Brilliant The Story of Atelier Swarovski, edited by the fashion historian and author Bronwyn Cosgrave, will feature contributions and collaborations with some of the most celebrated names in fashion and art, with a foreword by Karl Lagerfeld and introduction by Hubert de Givenchy.Celebrating ten (...)
Categoría: Artes Decorativas

FABERGE: From St Petersburg to Sandringham

n 1907 Edward VII commissioned Peter Carl Faberge - court artist-jeweller to imperial Russia - to produce miniature sculptures of animals on the royal estate at Sandringham. Designed to please Queen Alexandra, the project was suggested by the king's mistress Alice Keppel (the Duchess of Cornwall's (...)
Categoría: Artes Decorativas

Joyería. Manual práctico de técnicas

Dirigido a los que se inician en la joyería, muestra los principios, la práctica y las técnicas para crear preciosas joyas. Lecciones cuidadosamente estructuradas guían al lector a través del proceso, revelando la manera de plasmar ideas inspiradas en diseños factibles. Fotografías claras muestran (...)
Categoría: Artes Decorativas

Tesoros eléctricos

El catálogo editado con motivo de la exposición Tesoros eléctricos celebrada en el Museo Nacional de Escultura entre los meses de diciembre de 2017 y marzo de 2018 recoge, a modo de glosario, la definición de todos los elementos que conformaron el momento de mayor esplendor de las artes decorativas (...)
Categoría: Artes Decorativas

Art as jewellery

The women in Man Ray's life, as well as his reverence for the female form more broadly, were reflected in his jewellery. He kept the wearer in mind with each piece; never impractical or obtrusive, his jewels played with illusion, language and form as he employed the medium to further explore the (...)
Categoría: Artes Decorativas

Boucheron. Free-Spirited Jeweler

This book is a journey through the sparkling world of the iconic Maison Boucheron, which has championed a sensual, chic, modern, and independent form of femininity for over a century and a half. The Boucheron universe from its aesthetic vocabulary to its sources of inspiration, its artistic (...)
Categoría: Artes Decorativas

Des Grands Moghols aux Maharajahs Joyaux de la collection Al Thani

Jades dlicats, gemmes spectaculaires, somptueuses parures constelles de diamants, de rubis, d'meraudes et de perles, dagues incrustes de joyaux, vaisselle et objets usuels cisels d'or, orns de pierres prcieuses et d'maux colors, ce sont autant de pices d'exception que prsente ce catalogue. A (...)
Categoría: Artes Decorativas
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