Redouté, Pierre-Joseph
The book of flowers
El pintor floral francés Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759-1840) se dedicó en cuerpo y alma a las artes botánicas y plasmó la diversidad de las plantas con flores en acuarelas que se publicaron como grabados punteados, con cuidadas descripciones. Adorado y admirado por la alta sociedad parisiense, contó (...)
Categoría: Arte
The book of flowers
English, French, GermanFlower painter Pierre-Joseph Redouté (17591840) devoted himself exclusively to capturing the diversity of flowering plants in watercolor paintings which were then published as copper engravings, with careful botanical descriptions. The darling of wealthy Parisian patrons (...)
Categoría: Jardines-Botánica
The book of flowers
French flower painter Pierre-Joseph Redoute (1759-1840) devoted himself exclusively to capturing the diversity of flowering plants in watercolor paintings which were then published as copper engravings, with careful botanical descriptions. The darling of wealthy Parisian patrons including (...)
Categoría: Jardines-Botánica