A highly illustrated account of one of Ancient Rome's most humiliating defeats, the battle of the Caudine Forks in 321 BC, and how the embarrassment spurred the Roman Army on to eventual triumph.In its long history, the Roman Republic suffered many defeats, but none as humiliating as the Caudine (...)
SinopsisNo es una novela, ni una historia novelada; recoge, con mayor o menor acierto, las acciones llevadas a cabo por unos combatientes duros, bien entrenados, que no dudan en arriesgar su vida por cumplir la misión: los boinas verdes. Militares que nutren las Unidades de Operaciones Especiales (...)
Suivant une voie moyenne entre recueil et synthèse, le livre propose une vue d'ensemble de recherches basées sur un considérable travail d'heuristique sans cesse élargi, dont l'avant-propos évoque la genèse, les étapes et les limites. L'ouvrage s'efforce de présenter avec cohérence une matière (...)
Researched from genuine primary sources in regulations and memoirs, this is the first book to explain and illustrate the organization, activities, and personal stories of the female "support staff" who played a major role in the day-to-day life of Napoleon's armies.The cantinières who accompanied (...)
The Italian Royal Navy (Regia Marine or RM) began the Second World War with one of the largest fleets in the world. Included in this was a total of 59 fleet destroyers, and others were added during the war. These were a diverse collection of ships dating back to the First World War, large (...)
El cabo de La Legión, José Sánchez Alcaraz, vivió en primera persona varios de los combates más cruentos de la Guerra de Ifni-Sahara , entre ellos el famoso de Edchera en enero de 1958, en el que se llegarían a conceder dos Cruces Laureadas de San Fernando a título póstumo, al brigada Fadrique y al (...)