Giorgi, Rosa
Ángeles y demonios
¿Por qué tienen alas los ángeles? ¿Por qué tienen cuernos los diablos? ¿Por qué no vacilamos en imaginar a los primeros en el cielo y a los segundos entre las llamas del infierno? Serafines y querubines, el limbo y el paraíso, justos y condenados, los jinetes del Apocalipsis, las danzas de la (...)
Categoría: Arte
Símbolos, protagonistas e historia de la Iglesia
¿Cómo se distinguen un cardenal, un obispo y un monje benedictino? Este volumen demuestra que en ocasiones el hábito sí hace al monje, y nos revela y explica las figuras, los ritos y los episodios de la historia de la Iglesia y la liturgia a través de sus representaciones artísticas. Una parte del (...)
Categoría: Arte
Angels and Demons in Art
This sumptuously illustrated volume analyzes artists' representations of angels and demons and heaven and hell from the Judeo-Christian tradition and describes how these artistic portrayals evolved over time. As with other books in the Guide to Imagery series, the goal of this volume is to help (...)
Categoría: Arte
History of the Church in Art
In this richly illustrated volume Rosa Giorgi argues that because much of Western art depicts key events, leaders, and practices in the history of the Christian Church, knowledge of that history is critical to an appreciation of many of our great masterpieces. Giorgi begins by analyzing artistic (...)
Categoría: Arte
Saints in Art
From Agatha to Zeno, Francis of Assisi to Mary Magdalene, Saints in Arti presents the characteristic features of more than one hundred saints often encountered in sacred Western art. Each saint is introduced by a practical list of his or her unique attributes. Entries also include notes on the (...)
Categoría: Arte
Velazquez: Masters of Art
A seventeenth century Spanish painter who continues to influence artists today, Velazquez is primarily known for his portraits of Spanish royalty and other notable figures. Overflowing with impeccably reproduced images, this book offers full page spreads of masterpieces as well as highlights of (...)
Categoría: Varios