A collection of novel and provocative insights into El Greco's pictorial art based on art-historical, social and historiographical sources and methodologies.This volume presents an innovative art-historical outlook on the prevalent interpretations and theoretical analyses of El Greco's paintings. (...)
Rubens's Decius Mus Cycle is in many ways a first. It provides the earliest example of work for the medium of tapestry, and so illustrates the artist's approach to the challenges presented by a narrative sequence of images. The woven versions, like the corresponding set of six paintings preserved (...)
The artistic heritage of the regions that once formed part of the former Spanish Empire includes a large number of painted copies after Flemish masters made during the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries. Most of these works have received little attention, even though they constitute a valuable (...)
Made in Malines! Derrière ce titre qui résonne comme un label commercial se cache une marque ou plutôt toute une série de marques énigmatiques. Elles ont été apposées, autour de 1500, sur des statuettes communément appelées poupées malinoises : le M et le blason à trois pals de la ville de Malines (...)