5 Continents
Expressing one of many Luba sub-styles, the tall, standing male figures created by master carvers of the Hemba culture in southeastern Congo since at least the mid-1800s arguably rank among the noblest sculptural depictions of the human figure in sub-Saharan Africa. With their serene gaze and (...)
Categoría: Arte
Gauguin. Portraits
Une soixantaine d'oeuvres issues de collections publiques et privées, qui fait la part belle aux portraits bretons et polynésiens, aux autoportraits mais aussi aux effigies inanimées. L'artiste dote ses modèles d'attributs particuliers ou les intègre dans des mises en scène évocatrices, en leur (...)
Categoría: Arte
Before Time Began
Overview of the Aboriginal Art, focusing on the first large-scale exhibition staged by the Fondation Opale (Switzerland).The common thread running right through this work is man's link with the land, the legacy of the ancestors that still echoes in the present. It is no accident that Before Time (...)
Categoría: Arte
In Praise of the Human Form : Arts of Africa, Oceania and America
While the foundations of the Josette and Jean-Claude Weill Collection lie in painting, their passion for seeking out exciting new forms soon led them to embrace the infinite diversity of tribal art. Expanded over the decades under the enthusiastic stewardship of their son Jean-Pierre, the (...)
Categoría: Arte
We. Visions of Africa
Exploring the masks of an African culture that were one of Picasso's primary influences.The We, whose name means 'men who easily forgive', live in the forests along the western border of the Ivory Coast. Theirs is regarded as a mask culture, as opposed to other societies that have none (such as the (...)
Categoría: Arte
The Kuyu are an ethnic group who live in northern Congo-Brazzaville, on the banks of the River Congo, in a part of Equatorial Africa that has remained only marginally influenced by Moslem encroachment and Western colonialism. Kuyu art can be broadly broken down into three styles, the first two of (...)
Categoría: Arte
Sculptures et formes d'Afrique. African Sculptures and Forms
An exquisite variety of African sculptures, masks, reliquaries and statuettes. An impressive collection combining sensitivity with quality. Remarkable art pieces from different African cultures.At the turn of the twentieth century, in particular Gauguin, Picasso, Matisse, and later the Surrealists, (...)
Categoría: Arte